Brisbane City Council supports Kenmore Rotary providing study lights to students in Papua New Guinea communities that don't have electricity

This is the sixth year the Kenmore Rotary Club has taken the Solar Buddy programme into local schools where students assemble the solar study lights for students in PNG. Over that period, almost 1,200 students in disadvantaged communities have benefited from the work undertaken by Rotary and our local schools.
Kenmore Rotary is proposing to purchase a further 225 lights for assembly and dispatching to PNG in 2023. Kenmore State School students will assemble 125 of the lights in the next term with a further 50 lights each to be assembled by Our Lady of the Rosary and Chapel Hill State School students.
Councillor for Pullenvale Ward, Greg Adermann has supported a request from Kenmore Rotary for funding to offset the purchase of the 225 lights for 2022/23 and he looks forward to attending the sessions at OLR, Kenmore and Chapel Hill State Schools when students will be assembling the lights. For more information about Solar Buddy, go to