‘The Power of Community: Participating in Peace’

Saturday, April 13th , 2024

The Women’s College, UQ St Lucia

10:30am - 6:00pm

(Registration from 10:00am)


“Over the last decade, global peacebuilding has been subject to immense criticism because of its re- liance on the international “liberal peacebuilding” agenda. “Liberal peacebuilding” is characterised as a top-down, Western approach that promotes state building. In the face of this criticism, there has been growing emphasis on the “local turn” and embracing local understandings of and approaches to peace.


Each Peace Fellow has brought their local experience to this fellowship, and together, we have es- tablished a new, “community for peace” where we recognise and uphold the best of all we have learned and experienced as we think about how to work together to build peace. We want to share this “community of peace” with you and spend the day reflecting on how all of us can embrace local practices and play a role in building peace in our communities.


Together, at this conference, we seek to explore the following questions with you:

  1. What is a community?Who makes up a specific community and why?
  2. What is the relationship between power and community?
  1. How do we define community in our respective fieldwork experiences?
  2. What are the opportunities and limitations of defining a community?
  3. What is the bottom-up or community-driven approach to peacebuilding? Are there limita tions in achieving peace by embracing the local turn?
  4. What practices of peacebuilding are effective in different communities?
  5. How do we participate in creating peace in different communities?